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Death Gateway's Interview

I'm hoping to get my own interview with Showbread, but until then, thank you for this amusing interview.

The Interview

Deathway: How are things within the band?


Josh Dies: Things are great. Half of us are vampires and other half are werewolves, and I am a zombie.


DW: How is the current tour going?


JD: Good, except for the fact that the guys from Blindside are vampire, werewolf, and zombie hunters.


DW: What went into the writing of "Matthias replaces Judas"?


JD: It was basically a letter written to Jesus as a conversation between an imperfect person and a perfect person. We were looking for a really intimate moment on the album, and this song was more than we could have asked for.


DW: What does being a "Christian band" mean to you?


JD: Christians who are making music and using their faith as a driving force behind what the band is saying and doing.


DW: How do you stay grounded in Christ as a touring band?


JD: We meet for a nightly Bible study, and we do our own personal quiet times, while keeping each other accountable.


DW: How can we better reach this generation?


JD: The greatest commandments, LOVE. We need to show our generation what true love is and how important it is to ministering. It's easy to talk about it, but we need to shown it without saying a word. Then they will know what we are talking about.


DW: What do you think of the Church today?


JD: Touring so much we really don't have a church home, but we received a large amount of rejection from our home church, a Southern Baptist church in Georgia. The church today needs to be more like the church of Acts. In a lot of cases people are trying to do it the right way, but in others people just aren't doing it Biblically.


DW: What do the words "Dead to this World" mean to you?


JD: The verse "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind," is what comes to mind when I hear that. It's like being a zombie. No, really! A zombie is dead, but it still walks around and is driven by the basic needs in life. In the same we as Christians, who are infected with Christ, should walk around in this world and not become affected by its influences.